Election Day is March 28th

Vote Eleana Colby for Selectboard

Community members deserve respect, balanced representation, and fiscal responsibility to move our town forward.  

Our Selectboard needs to be transformed to better reflect our Town’s needs and values. It is time to welcome different perspectives on issues and respect the valuable insights of our residents. We must invite the community into the important business of the Selectboard by video recording the meetings. The more accessible these meetings become, the more involved our neighbors can be on key issues. When a wider variety of voices are heard on an issue, the Selectboard can make informed decisions that are truly representative of the community's needs and concerns. 

We must begin exploring opportunities to save taxpayer money through grants and rebate programs that may be available to municipalities. As inflation continues to affect our family budgets there is no doubt that it also has a major impact on the cost of town projects.  By combining fiscal responsibility with proper project planning strategies, we can absolutely find ways to get the most out of every taxpayer dollar. 

I would be honored to have the opportunity to work with voters, employees, and other board members to increase transparency, encourage communication, and bring back respect for our neighbors.  I am respectfully asking for your vote on March 28th.

If you are able, a small contribution makes a big difference.  Donations of any amount are welcomed and greatly appreciated.  Click your preferred donation method to learn more.